Quest’olio Extra Vergine dal gusto gradevole e armonioso, nasce dalla nostra passione centenaria per la qualità.
Selezioniamo con impegno gli oli migliori per garantire il successo dei vostri piatti in cucina. Vi ricordiamo che l’olio extra vergine di oliva è un condimento sano e naturalmente che conserva al meglio le sue caratteristiche se consumato crudo.
SCADENZA 29/08/2025
Nos tisanes 100% chanvre sont certifiées Agriculture Biologique , nous récoltons soigneusement les sommités florales afin de vous les proposer.
Conditionement :40g - 120g - 240g
Napoli Espressa
Miscela Densa
Miscela Cremosa
Miscela Spec. Artigianale
Miscela Arte
Miscela Napoli
Miscela Vending
Miscela DEK
The Peruvian coffee plantation of the Los Santos family is a family business that has accumulated a lot of experience in coffee cultivation. We call this coffee THE DELICATE: it has a very velvety body, floral notes of chinotto and red fruits. As an espresso, it is very balanced and pleasant, while as a filter coffee, it is almost like a caress.
Location:Lonya Grande, Utcubamba
Altitude:1700 – 2000 masl
Variety:Caturra, Catuai
Process :Washed
SENSORY PROFILE:Red fruit, Chinotto, velvety body
Dimensions:13 × 4 × 23 cm
Roasting:Light Roast, Medium Roast
Weight:250 gr.
Grinding:Aeropress, Chemex, Espresso, Frenchpress, In Grani, V60
Die Großmutter von Psyllium, auch Mittelmeer Großmutter, ist eine hervorragende Quelle für Ballaststoffe und hat auch einen hohen Proteingehalt. Es wird verwendet, um die Funktionsweise des Verdauungssystems zu verbessern. Darüber hinaus erhöht Faser das Gefühl der Sättigung. Nach dem Kontakt mit Wasser bedecken die Samen mit Schleim und bilden ein Gel, was bei Darmbeschwerden hilft. Es verbessert die Darmbakterienflora, Abschirmung und entzündungshemmend. & lt; 0,01G & lt; 1%*RWS - Referenzfutter & nbsp; <strong> Verwendung </strong> Das Produkt ist nach Vorbereitung bereit zu essen: 2-3 Teelöffel Psyllium -Kuchen sollten mit einem Glas Saft gegossen werden oder Wasser, etwa 20 Minuten lang beiseite gelegt und dann trinken. Wenn Sie das Produkt konsumieren, sollten Sie beim Verzehr des Produkts verwendet werden. Trinken Sie große Mengen Wasser, mindestens 1,5 l. Sie können zweimal am Tag einnehmen, vorzugsweise morgens und nachmittags.
Kasza jaglana uważana jest za jeden z najzdrowszych pokarmów świata. Uprawiana od setek lat, pozyskiwana jest z łuskanych ziaren prosa. Wyróżnia się najwyższą zawartością witamin z grupy B:(B1,B2,B6) oraz żelaza i miedzi.
Kasza jaglana posiada także właściwości lecznicze, jest lekkostrawna i nie uczula, bo nie zawiera glutenu dlatego może być spożywana przez osoby chorujące na celiakie. Ma właściwości antywirusowe, zmniejsza stan zapalny błon śluzowych. Zawiera krzemionkę, która korzystnie wpływa na stan naszej skóry, włosów i paznokci.
Una combinazione delicata, per far pendere la bilancia tra aromi e robustezza, dal lato dei primi. Senza perdere la tipica pienezza dell’espresso italiano.
Il Blend Soave si caratterizza per le sue note floreali e cioccolatose che evocano un retrogusto profondo di tabacco e incenso.
Semilavorato per pane con semi di chia, girasole e zucca. Per prodotti da forno energizzanti, ricchi di fibre, minerali e Omega-3.
Formato:10 kg
Miscela di pregiati caffè arabica sapientemente selezionati, tostati artigianalmente e confezionati per conservare al meglio l'aroma. Prodotto consegnato sempre fresco.
Unseren Kefir kannst du pur genießen oder als Basis für leckere Frucht-Shakes, Dressings und vieles mehr verwenden
Wir lieben Kefir nicht nur wegen seines einzigartigen Geschmacks, sondern auch, weil er so gesund ist: In unserem QUARKI Kefir sind 13 lebende Bakterien Kulturen enthalten – eine Wohltat für deinen Magen und Darm! Und nicht zu vergessen, ist unserer Kefir in einer umweltfreundlichen 1 Kilogramm Packung erhältlich.
Vegan MCT Powder is a creamy and delicious powder which can be mixed with almost anything.
The difference between oil and powder is that your liver (gallbladder) needs to break down oil into smaller droplets, while powder is already broken down smaller droplets. The droplets in MCT powder are encapsulated by acacia fiber, therefore your liver can efficiently utilize these droplets to oxidize into ketone bodies.
An easy and quick way to stay focused throughout the day and create extra energy. Pure coconut derived C8/C10 MCT, are highquality fatty acids that boosts brain function, increases mental awareness and reduces cravings for snacks. There are cheaper versions of mct powders with casein as an encapsulated method. Try to avoid those.
Available in:200g, 400g pouches
10 KG Kraft Bag. Intended Use 1 kg Sudem Cake mix, add with 250 ml water, 300 ml oil and 250 gr (5 eggs) are whipped in mixer for 5 minutes.Obtained product is baked at 180 °C for 4045 minutes.1 year Storage in a cool and dry place
Linden flower, Linden Leaf, Turmeric, Clove, Cinnamon, Galangal, New Spring, Hibuscus extract, Beet sugar, Water
Mix two or three of our cube-shaped tea into 100 ml of boiled water. Your tea is ready to drink.
Keep closed in a cool and dry place. Preservative, thickener, etc. does not contain chemicals.
Nous vous offrons ici un café de grande qualité de la Finca Don Manuel, dès sa récolte, les grains de café variété Supremo entièrement mûrs sont cueillis, Les cerises sont sélectionnées lors d’un process d’immersion dans un récipient rempli d’eau pendant lequel les cerises restant en surface sont retirées afin de garantir un café de première qualité. Les cerises sont dépulpées, les grains avec leur mucilage sont séchés jusqu’à ce que le taux d’humidité requis soit atteint, leur donnant cette couleur dorée.
Vendu exclusivement en grains , afin de vous faire profiter des arômes et fragrances d’un café qui a intégré les sucres présents dans ce mucilage.
Note 85 – SCA
Fragrances et Aromes fruités, vanille, noisette.
Saveurs à Malte, Melon, Vanille
Tapioca starch is distinguished by the fact that it increases viscosity of the product without coloring it. The properties of tapioca starch are very similar to the properties of potato starch. It is used in many glutenfree baking recipes to make the dish look better or to achieve a golden crust. Milling with stones allows us to preserve the natural balanced composition of grains, which makes it possible to lower a glycemic index an important indicator for those who care about their health.
Weight:300 g
Issue d’une première pression à froid, sa fabrication et son origine UE garantissent sa qualité et les meilleures qualités gustatives. L’huile d’olive vierge extra François Roméo sera le meilleur allié de votre cuisine, tant pour la cuisson que l’assaisonnement de vos plats. Au-delà de son goût incomparable, vous profiterez également des vertus de l’huile d’olive sur la santé ; mangez bon et bien.
Poids net:1,450 KG
A refined blend of noble Arabica different varieties harvested on the highland African plantations, will give you a rich taste with fruity flavor notes. Soft, smooth aroma of LALIBELA COFFEE RICH AROMA delights with the depth and melting tenderness of chocolate flavors.
Net Weight:250
Gross weight :262
Maximum temperature:27
Storage requirements:Store at a temperature not exceeding 27 ° С and relative humidity maximum of 75%
Roasting degree :Medium
Taste intensity:Medium
It is the olive oil that we have produced under the Taha Kervan brand. It is in the first natural olive oil group. The acid rate is between 0.8% - 2%. Analysis reports are available. It is produced in international quality standards. It is processed in our own squeezing factory and bottling - packaging process is carried out in our filling facility. It is an olive oil that everyone can use easily. It is generally consumed in meals and fried foods. Production date, expiry date and lot number are on the product label. All quality certificates are available. It is a product suitable for export. It is healthy and high quality olive oil obtained from olives grown in Hatay Antakya region. Before purchasing, you can contact us to see our olive grove and production facility. If you want to buy high quality and affordable olive oil, we would like to state that you are in the right place. We only sell wholesale olive oil.
Cocoa butter is used in cosmetics and as a base oil in aromatherapy massages of the face and body. It hydrates and regenerates the skin, smoothes wrinkles, helps to erase scars and stretch marks. Cocoa butter massages tone the skin, activate the release of toxins, fluid retention, fat accumulation and are preferred in anti-cellulite therapies. Cocoa butter helps to achieve a natural, chocolate complexion without burning and dehydrating the skin. It leaves an invisible film on the skin, thus protecting it from the harmful effects of environmental factors.